
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Window joints

The windows are made with mortise and tenon joinery. Because the rails and styles are not simple rectangular pieces of wood, they need to be coped to each other, which is a bit involved.

After mortising the style, I hold up the rail to the style, so I can mark where they are going to meet.

At this mark I scribe the slanted edge of the styles and cut with a tenon saw.

This part is now offered up to the style to mark the position of the other shoulder. The width of the tenon is transfered directly from the mortising chisel, without further measuring.

And when everything has been executed with care this results in a nice fitting joint.

Overall I am very happy with how it turned out. It's certainly no fine furniture making, but the two windows are square, flat and parallel, where they need to be square, flat and parallel. The second one is now glued up and in the clamps, waiting for me to find another bit of time in the shop.


  1. Where does the angled bit go? Don't quite get this, sorry. Can you please publish a shot with the joint slightly pulled apart, I can't see which piece of wood is which. Thanks!

  2. I'll make a sketch Gary and post it in a new blog. The picture I have of the joint pulled apart isn't very clear either, and they are now glued up.
